Thursday 13 September 2012

Questionnaire Analysis

I composed six questions in a questionnaire to gather information on what ten people think a school magazine should intale. The following questions where;
-Question 1) What should a school magazine look like?
The answers i got for this question were similar for all ten. All the people i asked said that the magazine should look professional and also the topics and titles included should be relevant to school life also relevant to the actual school so it was recognisable.
-Question 2) Should there be separate magazines for each year?
Six people agreed that there should be separate magazines for each year whereas the rest agreed that the magazine should be joint and not separated into years.
-Question 3) Should each house have their own unique magazine?
Six people said that houses should have their own magazine, this would be good as it would include information for specific houses so the topics where relevant. However, the rest of the people said that houses should not have their own magazine as we should all be kept together in one.
-Question 4) What topics should be featured?
The choices i gave where; Uniform, House system, Latest news and other. Most of the ten people ticked more then one box, showing that the choices i gave were all popular showing that they believed they should all be included as thay are all important.
-Question 5) Who should be the main audience?
Three people said that the taget audience for the magazine should be parents to inform them of the goings on in school. Two people said that teachers should be the target audience and the rest agreed that students as they would benefit more.
-Question 6) Should the magazine include topics outside of school?
I gave the following choices;Sports, D of E, Masses and i gave the choice of other?
Masses at other schools came out most popular with five people agreeing. D of E and sports was the least popular with two people agreeing and one person mentioned in the other box said that global news should be included.

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