Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Thursday, 7 February 2013

7th Feb 2013- Feedback from first proof.

Today we had to print off the first proofs of out front page, contents page and double page spread. We did this so that we could give each other feedback and constructive criticisms to improve our work. We were to work in pairs and go with a mark scheme to look at what was expected to what had been produced. I worked in a group of three meaning i got two sets or mark schemes with two sets of feedback.
From looking at both sets of feedback, both of the comments seem to be reffering to the same aspect. They both wrote for my improvements to perhaps change the image or more cover lines on my front page to stop any confusion of it looking like a fashion magazine. As it is my 1st proof i had intented on putting more cover lines on it anyway as as it is now, it is too simple and bare.
The two feedbacks also mentioned the best aspects of my magazine which were that my contents page and double page spread looked realistic and that the glitter i have included in the background is very effective.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Double page spread- 1st Proof

GOOD; Again i felt like putting the glitter background in to promote more consistancy in my magazine. I also as mentioned in the previous post on the 1st proof of my contents page, allow my magazine to look like a one off special tribute to my exclusive celebrity. I like the positioning of the article boxes and believe that they create enough space for a good enough length for a exclusive interview. I also like the images used on my double page spread as the one on the left relates to the music genre and the small one on the right makes the magazine look more realistic.

IMPROVEMENTS; For the improvements on my double page spread i want to make the background for the main titles more white as they look a bit greyish. I also need to position and enlarge the text box on the left as some of the writing has been cut out. The text box on the right side could also be improved by moving it over slightly so it isnt hanging over. I will make these improvements for my final piece.