Wednesday 21 November 2012

Magazine questionnaire.

Here is a questionnaire i have made to gather information to see just exactly what the public would want from the magazine i create. I thought doing such questionnaire would be some what crucial as it would help me gather a clearer understanding of what sort of magazine would be wanted and popular.

1.       If you where to go out and buy a magazine, what would be your prefered genre?

· Pop music

· R&B

· Rock/ Heavy metal

· Other

            Please specify   .....................

2. How often would you say you go to buy a music magazine?

· Daily

· Twice a Week

· Weekly

· Monthly

· Rarely

· Never

3.       Whats types of topics would be most likely inclined to want to read?

· Editorials

· Artist Interviews

· Reviews eg; music, music related films etc. 

· Other (please specify) .......................................................................................

4. On average how much would you to expect to spend on a music magazine?

· £1.00-£2.00

· £2.00-£3.00

· £3.00-£4.00

· £4.00 +

5. What colours would you like/expect a pop magazine to follow?

· Bright colours

· Sophisticated colours

· Dark colours

· Light pastels

I want to carry my questionnaire out on 15+
My questionnaire is quite basic as i didnt want to make it too long with unecessary questions. This is because as i aim to base my target audience around teenage/ younger youth, meaning i had to ensure they would be able to answer every possible question. After collecting my data, i will then analyse my questionnaire results on another post.

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