Thursday 31 January 2013

Front page- 1st proof.

GOOD- 1st proof of my magazine;So far i like the way it has turned out. My favourite part about it is the glitter background along with the sparkly masthead. I like the way the two work together and create a look so that they link togther. The glitter also contain the five of six colours i choose for my house style which are pink, purple, yellow, green and blue. I think that these colours apart of this glitter background add to make my magazine more girly which links to my teenage girl target audience. The image i choose doesnt seem much in touch with music and can appear to seem like a fashion magazine, however i believe this photo was best to use as i like how the colours of the lipgloss and the denim jacket go with the masthead and background.

IMPROVEMENTS; Looking at the outcome i have here, i would like to make a few improvements such as; making the cover lines stand out more by maybe putting them in a white box or making the text a bit bigger and bolder. I would also like to include some form of selling line for my magazine which i struggled to decide where i would put it and what i would want it to be. These improvements will be included in my final piece.

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