Wednesday 5 December 2012

Existing Masthead research.

Although the NME logo is completely unrelated to my magazine gener, the logo for the magazine i like because it is simple. I think when a logo is simple it has more of a chance of being effective and memorable.The colours red and black create a very crisp, contrast look which relates to the indie music genre. The white outer line that goes around the text enables the logo to stand out more. I like this idea becuase it would make the logo pop. I also like how the colours and the rest of the magazine house style go together.

The Top of the pops logo is probably one of the best magazine logos for me to look at as its the same genre as im going for. Looking at this magazine, i would have to look at a few of their front covers as the change the logo colours. The actual font for their logo is very girly as the typography is very curly and informal relating to the target audience. The masthead spreads across the top making it one of the main things on the page. It also makes the frong cover appear busier. With such a big masthead, you can afford to cover it slighty with an image because you will still be able to recognise the logo. I like this idea of covring it, however i need to create a memorable logo.

The Q magazine logo is quite similar to the NME logo. The colours are the same which give it that sharp contrasting look. Again, Q magazine has a completely different target audience, looking at these sorts of logos will help me to make my own different and unique. Also, i will know not to make mine similar to magazines such as NME and Q magazine as they dont relate to mine.

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