Monday 31 December 2012

Masthead colours.

Below I have looked at four possible colours for my masthead. I have decided to go got a pink colour of some description so here I have looked at a few different shades. Out of the four colours below, the one I dislike the most is the orange/coral shade on the second font type. I dislike this because I don't believe it will stand out much as it is quite pale, this as well goes with the third font as again it is more pastel which is not the direction I want for my magazine as I want it to stand out and for it to be vibrant. This is why I'm more inclined to pick one of  the two colours on the first and last font. I like the hot pink colour on the Broadway font more then then aluminous pink on the Bodoni MT black font as I think it looks cheap and in professional. I will use a hot pink similar to the first and add it too my selected masthead font which is Bodoni MT black.

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