Thursday 6 December 2012

Rita Ora

Here i have used paint.NET to practice on my editing skills. I have come up with my own masthead and added it to a picture of Rita Ora who is currently a popular celeb, this would act as my celebrity endorsement which would make the magazine more appealing and eventually promote sales. Using a celebrity on the front would appeal more to a public audience as they would recognise who was on it. I believe including some form of celebrity on the front of a magazine is crucial in creating a popular magazine. This is why when i start to take and develop my own photos i have to make them as if they were took by a professional photographer in a studio.I have then moved on to add my own coverlines and a barcode to start to resemble a real magazine. When i copied the image into paint.NET i used the photo editing functions to change the lighting on it to make it slightly more negative, making it appear brighter. In doing this, it has helped me improve on my skills which means when it actually comes to my own magazine i will be able to add these different effects to make them look more professional and more asthetically pleasing.

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