Wednesday 19 December 2012

Original photography plan.

LOCATION: For my original photography, I have decided to use the location of my younger sisters bedroom. This is because of the black and white floral wallpaper in the background, I believe that because of my target audience this background can be successful. However, I don't just plan to use this as a background, I also intend on deleting some of the backgrounds of selected photos and importing and changing them from there moving them onto different original photography.

MODEL: I will use my little sister to act as my main celebrity (the one in which I intend to do my double page spread on). I believe she will work best as she is easy to work with to create the look I want, also she is simpler to create different looks and styles with. She is also very tall and slim, which I feel will work.

HAIR: I have decided to go with the hair down look. I feel this will work well as its more dressy and stylish. I also believed it looks more fun creating an image for my magazine. I will try a few styles with the hair up but I don't feel as comfortable with this idea/style.

CLOTHING: I have chosen to do four outfit changes. I think that in making my model change will make the pictures seem more real in the fact its like a paparazzi actually following the 'celebrity' around, as if they were all taken at different times and different days.

MAKE-UP: Like the clothing I have decided to change the make-up on my model a bit my using two different lipsticks. For one, the lipsticks will obviously be to match the outfits and two I will choose bright lipsticks to create a more upbeat, stylish look.

POSES/BODY LANGUAGE: When taking the photos I intend on making my model change poses quite a lot, this is so I can get a wide range of photos, all of which are different. Also, doing a lot of poses will better my magazines as some of the photos may not be as good as others.

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